Slammed Ikon-ic Shovel

Andy HCustom, Harley-Davidson, Tech Leave a Comment

Had a few hours in the workshop this afternoon playing with my spanners, and the result is that the Low Rider is riding lower on a new pair of Ikon shocks.

They’re only half an inch shorter than the oem shocks which I put back on the bike because I like the look of the lower skirts rather than the tapered Sportster-style shocks that came with it – which were Ikons too.Ikon Suspension slammed FXS Low Rider_01OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I didn’t think half an inch would make enough difference but I’m glad I didn’t go any lower: it sits nice now and I might have to invest in a primary chaincase saver! No such problems on the timing side: those one-piece pipes are tucked in good and tight.

The biggest headache was modifying the top shock mount covers to work with the Ikons, but I’m happy with the result.

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