A gentle summer’s afternoon in the country. I’ll make it a long weekend next next time and pack a tent … and a spare clutch cable … and tools 😉
A gentle summer’s afternoon in the country. I’ll make it a long weekend next next time and pack a tent … and a spare clutch cable … and tools 😉
Comments 6
This all began 12 years ago in a field in Illinois with a Non-Rally get together for members of the Shovelhead.US forum – organised by the owner of the forum – ShovelJack as a means of putting faces to the people who interacted on the forum. It was called Shovelfest and is moved around a different US State each year – people came from US, Canada, Australia and the UK. It is not a public rally, but an informal private gathering of fellow Shovelheader’s. From this came the annual Ozfest near Melbourne and, in 2011, we held the first Limeyfest (aka SFUK) in my garden. In the absence of any other location offered, it stayed there for 3 years until we moved it to Moreton in the Marsh for 3 years and latterly to near Bishop’s Castle. There was even a brief Danefest. This year (2019) is the first that we haven’t had any visitors from America attending – we house, feed and transport them in the same manner of hospitality that some of us have had in the USA ..and where we got the idea from. It has made a very close, supportive brotherhood that reaches across the globe. At the first Limeyfest we had 3 Americans from the US Forum fly in, 3 Danes ride down from Northern Denmark and one English guy ride all the way up from his home in Nice, Southern France. As a forum group we have swapped and sourced parts internationally, helped many in difficulty, even raised the airfare to get people across the Atlantic and funded those in financial issues at risk of loosing their home. It is a small, but beautiful thing, not a club, just a bunch of decent people.
Thanks for the background: makes the write-up a lot easier 🙂
Brilliant event: reminds me of times long past before we started to take ourselves far too seriously.
That was the whole idea …back to basics
Hi, Panhead Fred from the USA here.
That was a fine video, thanks for putting it out for all to see.
The first comment by Mark is the best description yet of the people from our forum and Shovelfest.
The short story of the clutch cable is very typical of the genuine friendships that develop at our gatherings.
Keep on shuvlin ! !
LOL, PHF you gotta get over there , I’ll make some special stickers 😛
Cool video, and some really beautiful bike’s. Love my brother’s across the pond. Brotherhood is alive and well. Life is Good