American-V 088


With Harley’s biggest new model announcement in generations, we put four of the eight new Softails for a blast on exactly the sorts of roads that their predecessors would have struggled with and came away mightily impressed.

As impressive as the long term Harley-Davidson Freewheeler trike that has been racking up the miles for the last six weeks, and which I’m not going to want to let go of. And on those travels, we’ve dropped in on the Bulldog Bash, Mersea Island Poker Run, Dirtquake, Buster Lang and UK BEG’s Em’s Day.

Add Alison’s Buell street custom, Big Al’s big mileage Evo and Steve Creaser’s Cafe Racer and you’ve got a lot of magazine to get your teeth into.

SKU: AmV088 Category:


LAUNCH: The biggest single upgrade in Harley’s history, and the most important: The plan // 2018 FXBRS Breakout 114 // 2018 FLHCS Heritage Classic 114 // 2018 FXFBS Breakout 114 // 2018 FXBB Street Bob 107

LONG TERM: Harley-Davidson Freewheeler

CUSTOMS: Alison’s Buell Roadster // Big Al’s Evo // Steve Creaser’s Cafe Racer

EVENTS: Bulldog Bash 2017 // HDRCGB Essex Poker Run // Dirtquake VI // Buster Lang // Em’s Day // Krazy Horse V-Twin Night

HERITAGE: Hogfather’s Tsunami survivor rebuild: Part 2

CHANGING TIMES: Where is motorcycling going? Will American motorcycles follow? Will we?