
Andy HHarley-Davidson 4 Comments

Something new and exciting is on its way!

We will be launching the American-V Subscriber’s Club in the new year and all current – and new – subscribers will automatically become members.


Because the world has changed dramatically over the last twelve months – accelerating existing changes – and we need to account for that.


We need to move more towards a subscription-based distribution, and the best way to make that more attractive is to offer subscribers genuine rewards … as well as a proper magazine!


The simple answer is by making it possible for subscribers to save much more than the cost of a subscription in relevent goods and services, from parts and servicing to hotels and ferries. It is going to start slow, but the plan is to build it into an exclusive arrangement with carefully selected partners in the industry and beyond.


We will have more to tell you next issue – things are changing on a daily basis at the moment – and will go live on 1st January 2021: until then that will point to a page on the social hub with more details.

Comments 4

  1. Sounds a great idea Andy.
    By the way, really enjoyed issue 102 especially “speeding” article – been there , the Chieftain & Vegas articles. & looking forward to any updates on your project.

  2. Sounds interesting. I’m all for boosting subscription even if that’s the only way to get the mag. But only as long there’s a paper copy subscription. I’ve tried to read the mag digitally (102), not bothered reading the new one, it’s not working for me I don’t enjoy it like I do getting my paper copy, which I read cover to cover , back to front (including the ads) returning to it over a number of weeks. I just don’t do that digitally the format is forgettable for me

  3. Sorry but a magazine is a magazine for me . Thumbing through forwards then backwards, and again from the middle. Sitting on the table as reminder it’s still there to go through it all again. Old school pleasure…

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