American-V 106 is on the digital high street!

Andy HAmerican-V Leave a Comment

Yes, we did hope this would be a paper edition but the world hasn’t woken up enough for that to happen, and everything here is crossed that by next issue the ‘roadmap’ will have unlocked more of the economy and given people confidence that it will be staying unlocked.

So, our best hope is for another doormat denting edition for 107, which will contain all of this and more – well, a whole new magazine as well as the editorial from the last issue too, because paper is what we do … but it has got to cover its costs.

It goes without saying that we’ve got to raise our game in the digital world too – which is, after all, where the magazine first came from – and all I’ve got to do is remember everything that I’ve forgotten, update it and then add another layer of electronic and social nonsense to make that work … oh, and find the time and patience.

At least we now have better access to bikes, roads and we are even seeing some events being planned and Fon is working on updating our abandoned online calendar.

And in the meantime, in the digital 106 you will get an online update including roadtests on the Softail Standard and the new Indian Vintage, sight of the new Chiefs, a transcript of the interview with Indian’s Ola Stenegard, ARCH’s KRGT-1, a brilliant all-weather Softail,  and an update to the Harley-Davidson timeline that we ran in issues 1-3 with a Harley model ID and VIN decoder! And more!!

The best way to get hold of a digital edition, without diverting too much of the cover price into the coffers of some of the world’s biggest corporations, is to go to:

where you will also find more than ten years of digital back issues – and so many flashbacks!!


@indianmotorcycleuk @harleydavidson_uk #FXST #2022chief #indianvintage #harleydavidson #indianmotorcycle

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